something Geolocated
KAYSERI   BAGPINAR by <b>M.Mustafa AYTEMIZ</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Gesi by <b>Excalibur38</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Bal Ar?s? Is Bas?nda; Guzelkoy(1981), Gesi-Kayseri by <b>Y?lmaz Guner</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Yanartas kilisesi"nin bat?"dan gorunumu;Kayabag?-Gesi-Kayseri by <b>Y?lmaz Guner</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Mimarsinan Organize Sanayi Bolgesi (10.09.2007) by <b>Mehmet Kahveci</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Yanartas Kilisesikompleksi"nin giris kap?s?; Kayabag- Melikgazi- by <b>Y?lmaz Guner</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Deliklitas"?n Bat?"dan gounumu. Guzelkoy-Gesi- Kayseri by <b>Y?lmaz Guner</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Erciyes ve Bulutlar by <b>Efkan Sinan</b> ( a Panoramio image )
KAYSERI   BAGPINAR by <b>M.Mustafa AYTEMIZ</b> ( a Panoramio image )
KAYSERI   BAGPINAR by <b>M.Mustafa AYTEMIZ</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Maccal?s?ndan Erciyes by <b>Efkan Sinan</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Gurup Vakti by <b>Efkan Sinan</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Gesi, Kayseri, Turkey by <b>Seref Halicioglu</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Gesi by <b>Saban OK</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Gesi"de bir Sokak by <b>TurkAyhaN</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Inlioren is a small town in Turkey.
Located in Pınarbaşı, Kayseri Province, Central Anatolia Region, Turkey.
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geolocated is created with an open data from wikipedia, openstreetmap, geonames, youtube and panoramio.
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