Ostanovochnyy Punkt Dve Tysyachi Vosem'desyat Dvadtsat' Shestoy Kilometr is a small town in Russia.
Located in Kalachinsky District, Omsk Oblast, Siberian Federal District, Russia.
Explore satellite maps, search places, check out a detailed Ostanovochnyy Punkt Dve Tysyachi Vosem'desyat Dvadtsat' Shestoy Kilometr's map on geolocated.
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Transport in this location
Railroad stations
Railroad stops
More maps and information:
In other languages:
- Ostanovochnyj Punkt Dve Tysjachi Vosem'desjat Dvadcat' Shestoj Kilometr
- Ostanovochnyy Punkt Dve Tysyachi
- Ostanovochnyy Punkt Dve Tysyachi Vosem’desyat Dvadtsat’ Shestoy Kilometr
- Остановочный Пункт Две Тысячи Восемьдесят Двадцать Шестой Километр
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We are about places we never be. But, might be you will be.