something Geolocated

Municipio III Bassa Val Bisagno

El pasillo infiniiiiiiiiiiito del elevador by <b>Jesus Municio</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Genova - Ragazzi ecco a Voi un _Tramonto_ sul Bisagno!   by <b>© ? paola chiarella</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Genova - Il Biscione by <b>alex47ge</b> ( a Panoramio image )
 la ferrovia in citta by <b>patano</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Genova Marassi: Stadio Luigi Ferraris by <b>Sergio Bagna</b> ( a Panoramio image )
My home is open for you (To enlarge please)  Merry Christmas and by <b>alex47ge</b> ( a Panoramio image )
Italy`s administrative level 10 region. Checkout this location on the map of geolocated places.
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geolocated is created with an open data from wikipedia, openstreetmap, geonames, youtube and panoramio.
Created with power of Yandex Maps, but for Google users.
We always be about Maps. We always be about Earth. We are about places in the world.
We are about places we never be. But, might be you will be.